A new chapter for Medaeo, we are now a brandart company find out more

Make every
day an
excellent one

Create a lasting impression with bespoke promotional giveaways

Quality is
important to us

You want to give your customers a great experience, so do we

We aim to
support our
customers goals

Helping you to reduce your carbon footprint

If you are a
returning customer

We’ve made it easier for you to re-order your products

What’s new?

We’re always working on the next new idea, so let us know yours, whether it’s fully formed or just a spark of one

For outstanding experiences

Providing customers with promotional giveaway items is the perfect way for visitor attractions to add value to the consumer experience while also maximising the venue’s visibility.

MEDAEO, which stands for Make Every Day An Excellent One, specialises in high quality promotional items that give the customer a little bit extra; a memento to evoke happy memories or even a collectable ‘must-have’ that keeps them coming back to their favourite places again and again.
We’ve got our finger firmly on the pulse of all the latest product innovations, plus a super-responsive online service to make ordering a breeze, for invisible support that cuts out the hassle and lets you focus on the really important people – your customers.

Make it memorable

MEDAEO is a UK company specialising in high quality, promotional giveaways, rewards and souvenirs for the entertainment and tourism sector. When the fun’s been had and the memories made, all that’s left of a magical shared experience is a keepsake to remember it by.

Make every day an excellent one

Our products

By offering premium quality products instead of throwaway items, we help our clients to get noticed, and to be remembered. We compete on quality, not price, which means you get the best possible value for money on merchandise that creates an outstanding impression.

A fresh perspective

MEDAEO’s vision is supported by five key pillars that make us and the products we supply different to anything else on the market.

Easy ordering
New product development

“The quiz trail medals have worked very well (kids love them). They are a good marketing tool as well, since kids keep them for a long time and show them to their family, friends, and relatives. They haven’t affected our shop spend, since we don’t have anything similar for sale in the shop and even if the kids get the medal they still want some toy from the shop.”

Vilma Gustafsson, Sea Life Centre Helsinki

“These medals are the ideal KPI score booster. I can’t emphasize enough how successful our trial run has been, children and parents alike have been leaving with smiles on their faces on being ‘awarded’ their medals; before when handing out the stickers there was a definite sense of disappointment.”

John Mason, Sea Life Centre London

“So far we have had the medals since the start of July, our secondary spend in July and so far in August has increased by 80-100% respectively, compared to year to date before the medals were introduced. We have sold over 1000 medals so far which is over £1000 additional secondary revenue in under 2 months”

Tom Middleton, Pirate Adventure Golf

“We have used the medallions a couple of times – at Easter for people that went on our Tremendous Tree Trail tour and again during the May half-term for our family sculpture trail. They have been working really well and have been very well received – much better than the usual sticker! The feedback has been great, and the kids are thrilled to earn their medal.”

Emma Quan, National Trust at Antony

“The wristbands have been a really big hit, for example in events and fairs where we have given those to people (well mostly children of course), very very popular they are, and people are quite amazed to get them for free.”

Mirka Paasikangas, Sea Life Centre Helsinki

“The medallions have been very popular so we’ve been delighted with the feedback we’ve had from families. The medallions we ordered at the start of the season have proven to be a huge success with our visitors. In fact, they’ve been so successful that we’ve given them all away and we’ve run out.”

Lisa Edinburgh, The National Trust Hidcote Manor Garden

“The tokens are going fantastically and lots of people are deciding to redeem them and keep them as a souvenir which is great news!”

Samantha Short, Overbeck’s


Read about the products making an impact in tourism and our recent work with
premium visitor attractions worldwide


Important announcement regarding MEDAEO

After careful consideration, we have made the decision to transfer the operations of MEDAEO, your trusted provider of medals and other guest merchandise, to BrandArt. The company is a well-established provider with an excellent reputation within the tourist attraction industry.

Through Time’s Telescope: How the Attraction Industry has Survived Crises

History tells us that pandemics do not last forever. Especially in the second decade of the 21st century, where medical science, disease understanding and hospital care has never been so good. So, while lockdown continues to hamper attractions, it need not be a crushing blow; it can be the golden ticket opportunity to build a brighter future.


As the blinds fell and reality, complete with Spring lockdown, set in, there was still some optimism for the near future post-Covid. But as reality got a little harsher, it became clear that the scientists were not running a magician’s show

Bring your attraction to the living room with our new Virtual Reality Goggles

To enhance the experience for your customers, we have developed our own Card VR Goggles that can be branded as your own VR goggles. The QR code on the side can be set to a specific link, e.g. your own 360° YouTube channel, taking your customers directly to your virtual attraction. These goggles are for all ages, from young children to adults. They are easily assembled as they come flat packed and therefore can be posted out directly to customers.
Visit our case studies page to see how we can Make Every Day An Excellent One!

A new chapter for Medaeo, we are now a brandart company find out more